Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sales Tax: When you pay

I cannot begin to tell you how many questions we field on a daily basis from customers.  Some questions are easier to answer than others.  One very common question that we get is: Is there sales tax on this item?

The short answer depends on where you live. TVI Supply is a Michigan based company.  Currently the only people who pay sales tax are Michigan customers.  Until a National sales tax on internet companies goes into effect, you won't pay.  If you are a business that is tax exempt, please feel free to post the number in the notes section and we will make sure to keep that on file.

Currently there is a movement underway to make an internet sales tax apply across the board.  No longer are the no sales tax days.  Keep in mind, that the business that you are ordering from does not profit from this tax.  If we could find a way to get you products in a more affordable way, we will.

All the best,


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