Thursday, November 15, 2012

20 Tips to Keep Safe this Holiday Season

By Jared Plasky

Fake versus Real Christmas Trees
  • When using a real tree make sure the needles are fresh and attached to the tree. Lose needles can hurt small children and animals.
  • Make sure your tree is properly watered; a dry tree can be a fire hazard.
  • For an artificial tree, make sure it’s fire resistant.
  • Keep any tree away from heat sources or open flames.

Lights and Plugs for Indoors and Outdoors
  • Use extension cords when necessary, don’t try and stretch lights.
  • Make sure all lights and outlets are safety tested and approved by plugging and unplugging to test.
  • Do not bind more than three strands of cords together at once; it can be a tripping hazard.
  • Make sure all cords aren't frayed and all bulbs are attached to designated spots, this can be an extreme hazard.
  • Never leave your lights on while you’re asleep or out for long periods of time.
Fireplaces and Candles
  • Make sure your fireplace is cleaned out. A fire cleaning brick is best for ensuring safety.
  • Keep any stockings, hanging decorations or garland above fireplace, and out of the way of sparks.
  • Make sure you have working fire alarms and extinguishers.
  • Make sure all candle wicks are cared for properly, i.e. (trimming them).

Ornaments & Small Decorations
  • Make sure no decorations have fallen off the tree as they can be a tripping hazard.
  • Keep easy to swallow and breakable ornaments out of the grasp of children or animals.
  • Older ornaments run the risk of having old lead based paint, it might be best to replace these with new ornaments.

Outdoor Decorations
  • Make sure to use a safe ladder while decorating your roof.
  • Be careful while walking on the roof. Hazards come in many forms such as loose roofing or ice.
  • Do not staple or nail through any wires.
  • Make sure the lights you are using are specifically made for the outdoors.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Super Storm Sandy: What We Can Do As Americans To Help

By: Jared Plasky

The East Coast was hit by a devastating super storm which caused many to lose homes, be without power and some even lost their lives. In times of tragedy we must join together as one and help those in need. Many organizations have banded together to provide things such as food and water, shelter and a shoulder to lean on during this tough time.
The best thing we can do as citizens is supply those affected with the necessities they need to get back on their feet, which can include canned goods for most or for those with younger children, diapers and formula.  Water pumps and generators can really aide those who are trying to eradicate water or power their homes. TVI Supply knows that the carnage Hurricane Sandy left is going to take a lot of cleanup, which is why we are donating cleaning gloves to the cause. We hope that everyone will do their part to aide the East Coast in their recovery. Our generators, pumps and heaters are being sold at cost to those affected by the storm.
If you would like to donate you can reach your local American Red Cross by dialing the Toll Free number, 800-733-2767 to get information about the closest donation center. You can also purchase items you want shipped over for donation from to the East Coast area or by contacting us at 586-563-1310 or 586-563-1320. Our many distribution centers are able to get victims the supplies in a timely manner. TVI Supply continues to keep all affected by Sandy in our prayers.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sales Tax: When you pay

I cannot begin to tell you how many questions we field on a daily basis from customers.  Some questions are easier to answer than others.  One very common question that we get is: Is there sales tax on this item?

The short answer depends on where you live. TVI Supply is a Michigan based company.  Currently the only people who pay sales tax are Michigan customers.  Until a National sales tax on internet companies goes into effect, you won't pay.  If you are a business that is tax exempt, please feel free to post the number in the notes section and we will make sure to keep that on file.

Currently there is a movement underway to make an internet sales tax apply across the board.  No longer are the no sales tax days.  Keep in mind, that the business that you are ordering from does not profit from this tax.  If we could find a way to get you products in a more affordable way, we will.

All the best,


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

TVI Supply Customer are King!

Dear Valued Customers,

We are constantly trying to improve your experience in shopping at TVI Supply.  As more people are looking for products online than ever before, an easy and straightforward checkout is what you deserve.  Finding the product(s) that you are searching for is a must.  Our team is going product by product to ensure that when you visit any page on our site, you will easily find the products you want. 

TVI Supply knows that your shopping experience should be fun, easy and friendly!  We are available to answer your questions 8am-5pm EST, Monday thru Friday. Our staff is extremely knowledgeable.  If you are looking for a large quantity, we encourage you to call us toll free at 800-893-1525.  We will try and get you the best price for the items you are looking for.

Over the next few months you will notice a few things as we grow our store into the ultimate customer experience. You can talk with us on either Twitter (Tvisupply1) or Facebook.  If you like us on you will receive special discounts on products. Our sale items go up in the middle and the end of each month.  Make sure to check back regularly to see what we have.  Customers are king and we intend to keep it that way!

Monday, May 7, 2012

4 Steps to get Customer Service to do what you want

By: Jared Plasky

Like any face to face service you’ve received, you always want to leave with a positive feeling after your purchase has been made. When shopping in your favorite stores, you can work with the customer service representative to achieve ultimate satisfaction for both parties involved. With that in mind, you can have the same experience while shopping for your favorite items online. Getting a customer service representative to comply with your every day needs is as easy as the following steps:

 1.      Make sure that you have a working knowledge of the item(s) you are looking to purchase. Having a basic knowledge of your item(s) will help so that you get exactly what you’re paying for with no excuses.

2.      Understand that customer service places the orders and takes care of any mistakes that the manufacturers or vendors may have made. They don’t in any way handle the product or deliver it. They also handle unsatisfied customers who may call up looking for answers.

3.      Have a common understanding of how the website works you are ordering from. This will ensure not only a speedy checkout time, but also will allow you to micromanage your order without having to wait on a representative for answers.

4.      Always remember to try and keep a positive attitude, and be courteous to the person helping you because ultimately we are the first line of defense.  We are the ones who advocate on your behalf to ensure ultimate customer satisfaction. 

By utilizing these 4 steps you can ensure that the outcome is a very favorable one for you. Even if you can’t work in person with customer service representative, you can use the same approach for shopping online with the same success rate as well. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Shopping online vs. Going to the store

By: Jared Plasky

Shopping online can sometimes feel like you are completing a survey just to get that $2.00 item you need to hang that door. But what about when going to the store just isn’t your cup of tea? Who wants to have to set down that cup of coffee, get dressed, and go to the local hardware store to buy 3 screws to hang the door. Ever wonder when you save more time and money purchasing online instead of going local store? Here are a couple everyday tips when determining which buying method suits you.
The first tip that we recommend: determine how many items you will need. Remember that buying in bulk can save over buying a single item multiple times. A great benefit of buying in bulk is there’s sometimes price breaks. This generally appeals to those who are repeat customers or those who know they will need more than one item to get the job done.
Another tip to keep in mind: what is the cost of a single item? Purchasing one item may fit what you need. But keep in mind, there will be shipping costs. This may take the item out of a reasonable price range. In that case it would make more sense to go to the local store and purchase the item you need.
By implementing just a couple of these easy reminders in your buying process, you should see major differences in the way you purchase. In this economy, it will not only put a smile on your face, but keep more money in your pocket.